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Showing posts from February, 2021

Thumb Draw 105lb@32" Verified with Scale

submitted by /u/hitchtube [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Best binoculars for checking indoor targets?

Iā€™m shooting 18M comps fairly often as things reopen, looking for an affordable pair of binoculars to check arrows. Affordable as possible, I donā€™t need them to do outdoor ranges. What magnification works best for this purpose? submitted by /u/Highwayman1717 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Compound bow tuning

I started archery 3 months ago and bought a compound bow back then (I currently shoot around 55lb, planning to practice form and get to 70lb eventually). My goal is to hunt with the bow eventually, maybe for the next deer season. I read about tuning stuffs for compound bows (paper tuning, wall back tuning, etc) and it seems like there are a lot of prep works that needed to be done to the bow before I can hunt with it. So do you guys normally tune everything right away when you buy a new bow or do you wait until you're about to go hunting and tune everything? submitted by /u/chickenwingtennis [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

What is string walking?

I'm just getting into archery, so apologies if this is really basic question, but it gets mentioned (as opposed to gap aiming?) here and there in context of instinctive shooting and barebows which sounds fun and interesting. But I couldn't find out what exactly it is. submitted by /u/dandellionKimban [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

What is the best wooden arrow brand?

Iā€™m a brand new archer, and I just bought the SWA Spyder recurve bow 30#. And I was wondering if anyone could help me pick wooden arrows for my bow. Iā€™ve seen charts and they are too complicated for me. And on top of that I donā€™t know which brand of wooden arrows are good. Please help. submitted by /u/szman135 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Elite Remedy

My neighbor picked up an Elite Remedy yesterday. He doesn't know a lot about tuning bows, or really how they work, I am not an elite man so I was wondering if there is anything he should know about the bow that is important? submitted by /u/nomad65555 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Elbow rotation in barebow thoughts? (Stig Goran Berget / Jarrett Kellan)

submitted by /u/brybow2021 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Back after another month of lockdown. 18m 32#

submitted by /u/rivasilvercrown [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Shibuya DX plunger springs from stiff to weak

submitted by /u/proc3ss_elevated [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

New to hinge release so a little high, otherwise, how's my form?

submitted by /u/Doctor_Toe [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Buy once, cry once? A newbie wants to know.

I've decided to pursue archery as new sport. we are talking literally after 1 hour of experience ( my first day ). i've gone through enough hobbies in my life to know when something ticks all the right boxes, so my mind is made. i'm going barebow for 2 simple reasons. 1) it "feels" like my definition of archery. simple. pure. i'd say natural but i don't think i've ever seen a carbon fiber tree. and 2) i have enough experience blinging out stuff in other hobbies that all those doo dads i see on compound and olympic bows add up. quick. i was born at night, but not last night. common sense would dictate that i invest in cheaper gear and buy as i progress (or not). but i also recognize the fact that there is a point where i will have spent more on multiple upgrades than going all in. for me the "go cheap" strategy worked where things get destroyed in the learning process (like RC, golf, piranha fishing). i'm gonna go way out on a limb a...

40yd Robin Hood with a horsebow!

submitted by /u/Entropy- [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

What are your thoughts on the Bearpaw strongbow sir henry longbow? Looking for a decent longbow and this caught my eye. Most longbows seem to be Ā£200 plus which i cant afford. This looks good and seems decent, whatre your thoughts? If an owner could let me know anything wouod be great. Thanks. submitted by /u/freddie68 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Whats up Bowit, question about how to hold my first bow

I purchased the PSE Pro Max 62", and the handle has palm-swells. So its almost like the design of the bow is to be gripped with your hand vertically, instead of at a 45 or so degree angle so that the pressure sits in your hand parallel with your first set of knuckles. Its pretty annoying that when I try to hold the bow correctly (per the interweb), the palm swell leaves almost no room for my fingers to slightly naturally curl. Should I get a new bow, just deal with it, or hold the bow vertically - making use of the palm swells? .... or possibly even cut the swells off? ā€‹ Other than the palm swell, its a great bow and Im enjoying learning how to shoot. 25# and shooting three under off the bear hair shelf with (super cheap Chinese ) carbon 600 spine turkey feather fletched arrows. submitted by /u/bephegor [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Well, I guess I didn't really need that arrow anyways. Kind of bittersweet!

submitted by /u/Turkey-On-Bun [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Selling my Olympic Recurve setup. $550 shipped.

Please remove if this isn't allowed. Covid hit us hard and I have to let a few things go. First thing to go has to be my hobby, so I'm selling my bow. All prices are listed as new, direct from Lancaster, since it's only had a about 500 arrows fired and it's far less than what I paid. Short of side stabs it should be everything you'd need to compete semi-pro. I can hit a .25" target with this from 10m 90% of the time, and I'm not good. Black and blue coloring on everything. I don't want to piece it out, so I'm selling it all in one package. WNS Delta $180 WNS Delta f3 24lb $120 AVALON TEC ONE RECURVE SIGHT $70 WNS SAT STABILIZER 26in $35 1dz Black Eagle Intrepid Fletched Arrow $79 27.75in cut, plus point, 700 spine Perfect for a standard draw. Tab, clicker, custom string, bag, stand, hex wrenches, arrow tube, various other bits and pieces included. If you aren't interested, want to be an elitist, or want to talk smack about people that can...

Been shooting about a year now, self-taught. Could use a form check to make sure I'm not teaching myself bad habits.

submitted by /u/Sir_Redditon [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Is it useable?

So my dad has an old compound bow that draws about 75 lbs. It has sat in the garage for about 9 years. Is there any hope of using it again, and if so what should I do to it? submitted by /u/thing_713 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

This beautiful collapsable Chinese bow handmade by MasterWa of Bangkok, Thailand

submitted by /u/37boss15 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

How well do you think this bow appeals to a teenager / young adult audience (around 13 to 18 years old) based on its aesthetics and measurements?

Hello everyone! I made this recurve bow for a school project (my first bow so its definitely not great), and I need to see how well it would appeal to a younger audience, so like, if a person around 13 to 18 years old was going to buy a bow, would you think they would want to get a bow like this / would you recommend they get a bow like this? Based on the visuals and aesthetics, taking on a bright and vibrant colour scheme. Measurements include a draw length of 24 inches, draw weight is undetermined yet but its quite low and easy for a teenager or young adult to handle. Please let me know what you think. The link to an image of the bow in question is right here. Thanks! View Poll submitted by /u/R4kshim [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Always see plenty of cross dominance eye post so here's some blind archers... I'm in the shoot your handedness camp and learn the correct sight picture for that hand

submitted by /u/B12KHX [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

First Asiatic Bow

I've been shooting target recurves for a while now and want to get into traditional archery. More specifically, Asiatic styles Composite bows. I've been looking online and realized I know next to nothing about them. They seem to have so many subtypes and variations; Mongol, Scythian, Tatar, Turkish, Magyar/Hungarian, Korean Etc. The list just seems to go on. Although they seem pretty similar to me, I've heard about some types like the Manchu Bow are quite unforgiving for inexperienced archers. The question is, which of these best lend themselves to new Archers and serve as a good introduction to the discipline? P.S. I don't have any particular preferences though I must admit the Scythian ones are quite good looking. submitted by /u/37boss15 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Archery is like bowling? My first day.

The last thing I need after decades of other hobbies is another one, but the global situation must have given me cabin fever. For some unknown reason I watched an archery competition on youtube and literally 24 hours later I was at the local archery store/range out of curiousity and plopped down $30 for an hour's lane and equipment rental. I was given a recurve bow (SF something brand) with a 22 pound draw, 5 minutes of safety and equipment instruction from one of the friendly staff, and a lane assignment. ā€‹ very first arrows @ 10 yds I was happy to keep all the arrows in my lane altogether. As each round went by, I recognized that all I could do was try to make the same movements (wrong or not) and only try to make a very minor adjustment in body position. At one point I just thought out loud, "this is like bowling." In bowling, if I rolled a ball and it missed the pocket (the sweet spot for a strike usually) by a half a pin, I would just move over an inch or two...

Genesis bow tuning. Finger savers. Dolphining. I need help.

I'm helping coach the archery team at my kids school. Several kids on the archery team have arrows that dolphin pretty badly and I'm hoping to learn enough to correct that. I'm the most "nuts and bolts" guy in the group of parents so it has fallen to me to try and learn what I can about tuning genesis bows and Easton arrows as used for NASP competition. I measured the nock points at 3/8-1/2" above center for everybody. So, as I understand it, best case scenario with max draw length, max draw weight, and crisp release the arrows are too stiff. At worst with a lower draw weight, shorter draw length, and mushy release things only get worse. I assume this is going to be a case of minimizing rather than eliminating all arrow tuning problems. Several kids have finger savers on their strings. The bows with finger savers tend dolphin the most. I'm not certain that the finger savers are causing the dolphining but noticed the correlation and thought I should m...

Think the back one is still good? How do I get it out? Itā€™s stuck in there real good. Is the nock inside too?

submitted by /u/BangNasty [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Feeling accurate, might delete later. 70 yards. Punched one though.

submitted by /u/rileyuwu [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

When you need a sight leveler yesterday, and you have a slow day at work as a machinist

submitted by /u/stilesj96 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Buchanan antique bow question!

Hi! I am hopeful someone can provide me a little info, unfortunately I don't have photos to share. I work for an appraisal firm and am examining a longbow marked Buchanan Piccadilly 28. Based on that, I am dating it to 1850-1900. My question is if anyone knows if these bows were made with metal on the riser? The only photo provided by the client shows significant rust next to where it says Buchanan Piccadilly, so I would assume that's the riser ( if not, please forgive my ignorance, I am not an archer, just a researcher) but in all the photos I can find of similarly dated bows, that piece appears to have been made from leather or wood, not metal. Can anyone give me information about this? Thank you so much!! submitted by /u/dollopappreciator [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Reminder to always do a flex test when you suspect a cracked shaft

submitted by /u/Grillet [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

/r/archery hit 90k subscribers yesterday

submitted by /u/TrendingBot [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Looking to buy an English Longbow in the UK

Previously had a compound and recurve bow and now im looking to purchase a traditional longbow due to my love of medieval history. I've had a look online in UK stores and the average price seems to be Ā£400-Ā£800 which seems very very expensive. Is there really now good quality bows around say Ā£100-Ā£200? Id like a 68" maybe 50 pound draw? If you know a good place i could look then I'd love to hear it, thanks. submitted by /u/freddie68 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Brace height on an old wing.

I have an old wing recurve. Itā€™s 48.5ā€ long from tip to tip. I had it strung with a string the shop said was the right length but when I shoot it there is a reallllly loud slap as the string hits the limb. Most of my recent experience is with a compound but I donā€™t remember my past recurves being so loud. Iā€™m assuming the issue is that my brace height is too short. Itā€™s just about 7ā€. Thoughts? Let me know if you need pics. submitted by /u/Jim_from_snowy_river [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

What hand I should use

So I shoot compound bow right handed and I do bow hunt but I also want to try recurve bow hunting, but I only have a right handed recurve. The catch is Iā€™m left eyes dominant and I have heard to be accurate with a recurve you have to shoot with both eyes open so Iā€™m in a pickle. Thanks for any help submitted by /u/legaize-eating-ass [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Need help finding a decent start bow

I'm 17F and wanting to get into archery and eventually bow hunting. I'm looking to spend 150$ but am flexible with spending a bit more. I saw one at Walmart the other day for a little over 50$ but I wasn't super sure on it. Any tips for starters or really anything helps actually :)) submitted by /u/DefinitelyAViking [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Obligatory $1200 hat picture

submitted by /u/jiminychristmas69 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

What does everyone think about indoor tournaments restarting ?

submitted by /u/freds_got_slacks [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Having Trouble Figuring out a Backstop Situation

When I was around thirteen, I got my first recurve bow, and every weekend I practiced really diligently. I feel like I got pretty good for a casual archer. But having to wait for the weekend and going to the same indoor range just to shoot my bow for an hour or two got boring. So as life got busier, I stopped shooting as much. Alas, this is my sad tale. Now I'm 22, I live in a new area, and got a new awesome 50# recurve bow! The only problem is, I don't have the time or the money to go to an indoor range, and I'd just run into the same problem. I feel like my backyard is big enough, I called the city and they said so long as I'm not shooting at other people's houses or if I have a large enough structure in the path of my shot, I was clear to shoot in my yard. At the moment I'm looking at shooting at the side of my garage where it's probably around 10ft wide and about as tall. I don't think I have quite 30ft of distance, maybe not even 25ft, but don'...

My collection of dead arrows got its first Robin Hood today. Nothing crazy 20 yard shot but I feel pretty proud of myself!

submitted by /u/handmethatwrenchbro [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Arc Rolan Snake

I knew that "arc" was french for bow, but I was curious about "Rolan" which turns out to be a variation on the germanic name Roland meaning "famous", so "Arc Rolan" could be interpreted as "famous bow"(french adjectives usually come after the noun unless referring to a measurable quantity like height). submitted by /u/iLikeCatsOnPillows [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Anybody have luck shooting cross eye dominant?

Been thinking about this a lot lately. Been consistently shooting compound for about 4 years now and Iā€™m a right handed shooter with left eye dominancy. Iā€™ve always shot guns/bows with my left eye closed but lately been hearing more and more about shooting with both eyes open, especially while hunting. Anyways Iā€™ve been trying a card over left eye and Iā€™m impressed how stable everything feels, but now Iā€™m curious when do you remove the card? Does it ever get better? With that said Iā€™m looking to get a new bow this year and debating going lefty but itā€™s scary think dropping 1k+ into an offhand bow. Anyways just curious what everyoneā€™s experience with this? submitted by /u/bepr0 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

New Riser Splitting?

Just got this bow today and after about an hour of shooting I came inside and found a little split between the layers of wood. I actually noticed it first by feeling it when holding it in my hand. Any reason to worry about this? I didn't notice anything when setting it up. Limbs are only 26# so doubt its too much pressure. It was only about -2 at the coldest so I can't see that having any effect either. Anyways just wondering if I should even care about this or send it back before it blows up. Thank y'all. submitted by /u/Kooky_End_ [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

To those newly signing up for the league, this is your FINAL reminder to submit preliminary scores, or you'll be removed!

To all members, as always, if you were signed up in January, your registration automatically carries over to March. If you won't be able to participate, I need to know! People for whom I'm still waiting on scores: /u/kpeho (1 score needed) /u/darxusc (1 needed, already established) /u/shortformyheight (3 scores needed) Thanks! submitted by /u/Speedly [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Has anyone had serving unwind on a freshly restrung bow? This set of strings is less than a month old.

submitted by /u/SnaggleSquatch [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

TIL on the set of Blade: Trinity, Jessica Biel was supposed to fire an arrow directly at the camera, so the camera was surrounded by Plexiglass except for a 2" x 2" square in front of the camera lens. Biel managed to shoot the arrow through the hole and destroy the $300,000 camera.

submitted by /u/enterblank [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

COMPLETELY new to archery & became interested after listening to John Dudley on JRE. I was gifted this bow a few months ago. Anyone know how much to get the draw weight/length adjusted? I'll be heading to Lancaster Archery if that makes any difference.

submitted by /u/Jason_Newsted_is_God [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Rolan Snake Bow & Which Arrows?

I'm interested in buying Rolan Snake Bow and maximum availability of strength is 26 would that be enough for me to start with? Also which arrows would be good for 26 / Snake bow? There are carbon arrows AVALON TRYO Carbon, but I am not sure of this it says , 600 up to like 1800 what is that for? Whcih one to choose? submitted by /u/livelovelove [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Bagged some good stumps today

submitted by /u/helix711 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Can you guess what color I like my archery equipment?

submitted by /u/BC1115 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Pretty cool and expensive $$

submitted by /u/Teamskeet129 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

The most perfect broken arrow (CE adrenaline)

submitted by /u/rileyuwu [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Some Bow and Arrow Bookmarks I Made!

submitted by /u/ElizabethWheelerArt [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Historical Archery Stance

I am currently learning historical archery with a native teacher (in Asia) who makes his own traditional bows. One thing that caught me off guard was the stance he taught me, and I have to undo the straight up stance I am used to in modern recurve. First is the feet, the front foot is pointing at the target while the back foot is almost 90 degrees off outwards. What are the benefits and drawbacks of this compared to the position that modern recurve archers use? Second is the hip. In full draw, I was instructed to lean away from the bow from the hip. My head and feet are still aligned, but my butt is sticking out. When we watched playbacks of how I did, he mentioned that my hips are not back enough because the strings touched my clothes. What are other reasons to lean the hips back? It seems like from pictures historically people did this stance, but why did people stop and started to stand straight instead? Are there any posture problems that could arise from this? I have an injured...

Multi pin sight on Samick Sage

Did anyone of you guys tried to install multi pin sight on Samick Sage. I did some internet research but failed to find any good photos or real person experience. So - I would like to try to put three pin sight on Sage riser using factory installed bushings. I have a Hoyt Hunter Rest and my anchor point is index finger in the corner of my mouth. With this setup and my style of shooting - will I be able to have a proper position of the sight ring arround my target range (20 - 40m)? If anyone has a similar setup I would like to hear about your experiences and maybe to see some photos. submitted by /u/AvalaArcher [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

February is low vision awareness month, I'm a legally blind archery with a rare condition that let's me see in the dark. I enjoy practicing at night and taking long exposure photos with lighted nocks.

submitted by /u/silamtao [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Sage with compound quiver sorry about blurry pic but this is what It looks like u/innercaryon

submitted by /u/Tkxs [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Samick sage quiver

Hey folks, I'm looking to gucci out my old sage but am stuck on the bow quiver. I've heard somewhere that the sage can use compound bow quivers, has anyone tried this? Cheers guys submitted by /u/innercaryon [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

New bow day! Vegh Turkish horse bow!

submitted by /u/Entropy- [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Well I shot my first 3D tournament tonight.. I guess you could say it was pretty interesting and also very expensive.

submitted by /u/dharrell98 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

2 shots at 90 in the snow.

submitted by /u/Teamskeet129 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Order from Lancaster came in today, just waiting on the shafts to try my hand at fletching!

submitted by /u/ohiodieselwelder [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

NEED HELP for Compound Bow Setup: Wife got it as a gift and I'd like to set it to 27 Draw Length and 25pounds

submitted by /u/Brain-Smoothie [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

From 30yds with wobbly old aluminum arrows from a 60lb bow, which I traded my guitar amp for at a pawn shop 10 years ago - not an ideal group but Iā€™ve had a crappy day, and just needed a little something to help me feel better about myself haha

submitted by /u/helix711 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Stabilizer mounting options

I recently bought a trophy ridge hit man stabilizer kit(12 inch front bar,10 inch back) with 8 ounces of total weight. When I put any more than 1 ounce of weight on the back bar, my shots start randomly going left or right. Does anybody have any solutions for this? Iā€™m thinking it has to do with how wide my grip is. submitted by /u/Ok-Ability9843 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

When zoom attendance is mandatory for that boringly easy class the university makes you take

submitted by /u/iLikeCatsOnPillows [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

New Archers: What information do you need to know, and how do you find it?

One thing that I love about this community compared to other online archery forums is that it's got a good mix of experience. It's also where a lot of new archers seem to come for advice when starting out. That's great! However, it can be frustrating to give good advice without the correct information. Every body is different, and so every archer's setup and starting point is going to be a little different too. Eye dominance: For any shooting sport, it's important to know which eye is dominant because that's the eye that you will naturally aim with. There are several different tests that you can do, but the one that I've found to be most simple is to hold your hands up with your fingers and thumbs extended and overlap them so that they make a triangle. Look at an object in the distance through that triangle. Then you can either close each eye (one at a time) or bring your hands back to your face while continuing to look at the object. The eye that keeps ...

Any Asheville, NC archers?

Hi archery reddit! I'm moving to Asheville next week from NYC and wondering if anyone here shoots in that area? Where do you like to go? Anywhere local that hosts leagues or meet up nights? (...Maybe not right now due to COVID, but in the future?) Also looking for shooting buddies if anyone is down to meet up. I shoot barebow recurv pretty casually, always lookin for archery buds. submitted by /u/reginaphalange3 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Arrow tip weight experience question..

I'm shooting a 40# bear kodiak with a 28.5-28.75 draw. I was given a bunch of gold tip traditional 500s with 125g inserts. They are cut at 29.5". I have 24 of these that were given to me for free, so I'd love to dial them in as opposed to completely different arrow advise.. Any experience with how much more to add when I put on field tips or broadhead? I shoot for target fun and hunting. Thanks! submitted by /u/hardsayin [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

A newbie in need

Hello everyone, it's been a while since the last time I've hold a bow and lately I've been thinking about starting to practice it on my own and buy one for me. Here's the problem: I've never done ANYTHING, courses, training, non of them; so here I am asking for tips and help on how to start my journey in this sport and on what should I buy/do to get started. I'm a man, 1.66m tall, weight 115kg, muscular (I can lift pretty easly 40kg with each hand and up to 95kg on the barbell) Sorry for the poor grammar, I'm Italian and still studying english submitted by /u/Gritho_ [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Looking into getting a horse bow, but Iā€™m a broke college student

So Iā€™ve been shooting target recurve for a while. Standard stuff, got a samick bow a few years back, took it to local club competitions and just started slapping stuff onto it as distances got bigger. New limbs, sight, stabilizer, whatever misc blogs recommend. This is all to say that I have NO formal training. Iā€™m just doing my best on a budget to enjoy the hobby I love with all my heart. Recently though, thanks to friends with more money than common sense, I was able to give horseback archery a try. Did a loop with my samick and another with a little 30lb horse bow from amazon, and it was so much fun. I occasionally pop over to their property to help with farm work and would like to get into horse archery but A) I donā€™t wanna be borrowing their equipment every time, and B) Iā€™d like something more high quality than something they got for $60 on Amazon. Iā€™d like a bow that could last me a good while but isnā€™t too bad price wise (ideally less than $200) as I usually have at most $30 ...

Could someone tell me what I should buy? And what brand?

I'm buying a bow and arrow as a gift but I want it to be good quality. I know absolutely nothing about any of it. I know there would be different types I just want something for a beginner adult. Is it possible to get a good quality bow off ebay? submitted by /u/farrquee [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

How I cope with not being able to shoot due to being drowned with work. I miss this sub.

submitted by /u/Aeliascent [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Would like some help. My bow a will literally shake at full draw, not sure why. Draw length seems right, draw is correct, grip is good. Iā€™m skunked.

submitted by /u/CommiesRNormies [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Diagnosing Arrow Impact Faults

submitted by /u/FerrumVeritas [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

70lb laminate bow from amazon review, is it worth it?

submitted by /u/hitchtube [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Hoyt Xakt Handle Finish?

Hi! Me again! XD I'm wondering if any of you know the finish of the Hoyt Xakt Handle. If it is anodized, painted or powder coated. Because I'm thinking of buying one and I don't know what type of finish it is XD I'm going to buy a white one (porbably) And yes, I know you can Anodize white colours. But the question remains... is it painted. Or powder coated? I've heard both from different sources... ā€‹ Thank you for your answers! ā€‹ ā€‹ submitted by /u/LuppaPuppa [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

New Archer, limiting site drift.

Hey guys I shoot a PSE compound, with a mutli pin sight. New to archery. How can improve my shake on target? It seems like I bounce around the point I want to shoot at and can never stay locked on it. I really want to start hunting with the bow by the end of the year. But if im still shaking on target I wouldnt feel safe taking the shot on an animal. submitted by /u/bpatt9690 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Abundance. 12 completed, 12 on the way

submitted by /u/FNFALC2 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

107lb@30" Crimean Tatar Bow history

submitted by /u/hitchtube [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Want to start archery but no club near me!

Hi Guys! I am an adept in nature/canoe/camping and this year I want to start archery! I don't want any super sophisticated bow so I was tempted with some takedown recurved bow. I will shoot for the pleasure and hunt small animal (bird and rabbit). I live in a rural area that doesn't have an archery club near and no store that can help me. So I check a lot online and I have find this bow: ā€‹ OMP Mountaineer 2.0 Recurve Bow What do you think? I was thinking of a 35lbs to begin with but I want to hear your advice on this. I don't plan to hunt moose or bear with that. The problem is that I don,t see any option for the bow size. I'm 6 feet 2, with very long lanky arm. The other choice could be the Ragim Impala Deluxe ā€‹ Do you have any advice? Or do you see better bow? I want to spend max 400$ CAD for it. ā€‹ Thanks a lot! submitted by /u/Pat...

Today is my state shoot, any tips?

Today is the Nasp state shoot where I live and Iā€™m kinda nervous. We shoot at 10 and 15 meters, Iā€™m better at 10 though. My average scores are around 250 and they improve pretty much every shoot. Iā€™ve been to state 2 or 3 times already, but this year is different because of you-know-what. Iā€™ve also been having a hard time keeping my arm steady. My bow holding arm usually jerks to the right a little (Iā€™m right handed if that helps) and I donā€™t really know why. Any tips on what itā€™s like this year if youā€™ve been or how to keep my arm steady would be much appreciated, thanks! submitted by /u/lilamphibian55 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via

Can I use a stringer on my horsebow ?

Hey Iam pretty new to horsebows and iam a bit confused if I can use a stringer on mine (grozer g6 nomad). The normal techniques seem kinda risky since it seems like people usually break their horsebows when they string them and less often when shooting. If I can use a stringer on this bow please let me know which you would recommend. Kind regards submitted by /u/Nohe99999 [link] [comments] from newest submissions : Archery via