About a week or so ago, I went on to Reddit in order to talk about my bow string hitting my wrist. Mind you, I've done everything from keeping my alignment correct, my grip correct, and my released correct. I've also tryed to increase the brace height by twisting the bowstring more. And yes, I've also opened my elbow when shooting. Strangely, after all the advice I was given the last time I posted here, the bowstring no matter what, the bow would keep on hitting my wrist. Every single time. The brace height is about 8 inches, so when I hold the bow string, it is about middle my forearm. Strangely enough whenever I shoot my bow, it ends up hitting about five or six centimetres down from the middle of my forearm onto my wrist. I don't understand, is this something wrong I'm doing or is the bow just being weird. I can't place it because I studied so much online trying to find what was wrong with me trying to find techniques that might fix the problem but nothing...