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New to Archery

Hello. My name is Adam Madi. I am extremely interested in archery and want to start to take it on. I took an archery lesson like 20 months ago and it was very fun.I think I did pretty good, and hit many bullseyes. I was researching the types of bows I would need to use. I am left-eye dominant for archery, but I use my right hand for everything that I do. I am confused about this, and was wondering if I should buy a right hand bow or a left hand bow. I know that right handed bows are drawn with the right hand and left hand bows are drawn with the left hand. I was also wondering what draw weight to use. I am 16 years old and 190 pounds, but I exercise daily, so should I get a draw weight of 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, or 60?

I appreciate any helpful responses!

submitted by /u/amadi2005
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