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Today I was very clumsy, there was mud and wind and I couldnt put my first arrow at the target before it got dark....(mostly because of clumsiness)

So, I made myself an archery target was too late and it got dark... Today I carried it to a muddy field... it tipped over... I carried it back, made the base heavier and put it on the field... It was windy and I was slippy from all the mud in some parts... Im going back home for a bow and back to the field when I hear - Hey Hey, come here, dad needs help... 30 mins later Im walking through all the mud again... it starts to rain... noooo, ok the rain is small... I'll fire an arrow quickly then go home... Ok first shot, I missed, the arrow went to the left... I was looking for it and finally found IT sticking out with only colorful fins... it slided under some leftover leaves and earth... I turn over and my target is down from the wind again.... End of the shooting... Well, nope, because I managed to quick fix it and it was standing again... Second shot went above... But in a straight line, I knew where to look at... Well, nope, i didnt see the arrow anywhere in that straight line... 20 mins passed and it was all windy and some rain started to pour again... My dad decided to work on that field at that moment and tore the earth with a big machine (plug)... Arrow is gone but I was about to go home anyway lol... it was very cheap... I carried everything back... ok some time later spent at home I decided to finally hit a target as it might get dark soon.... Im out but there's no way Im going that far again, I try to setup my target closer to my home but the previous quickfix didnt work.... but I sticked it into one nearby agricultural machine, target is on a pole and the machine is low... Okay, where's my firing trigger? Its a compound bow and I cant/don't want to fire without it ... I had it in my pocket last time when I carried everything back....its.. gone? Brr, end of the shooting, 50 mins later and I've done IT all - searched a garage, my room then went to the field - maybe it fell out but it was already evening and i didnt find .....Ok, its lost, I went home again... i see it now in the place I've been searching previously... Near my quiver in my room.... Its pretty dark right now but maybe I'll get closer and just fire the arrow at the target from a close range.... Ok I put a headlight on and put my shoes again, wait where's my trigger-glove.... I forgot to put it on... Taking off shoes, going back... Damn where's that trigger, I had it but put it somewhere after I found it.... 5 or 10 mins later i found it (again)... Ok, im out again, grab my archery target and shoot from 5 metres..... Yaaaay... Arrow almost gone through to the other side, even the fins sinked in.... I manage to pull it back and take everything back to the garage...

An epic victory after many struggles....

Taking off/putting on shoes that many times was the worst

submitted by /u/violent_luna
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