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Which Sites are Recommended for "Advanced Newbies"?

Hello there fellow archers,

I'm newish to archery as a hobby and could use a little advice. When I first decided I wanted to give it a shot (sorry, I had to make that pun), I bought a highly reviewed, newbie-friendly, bow on Amazon. But...

Just today, the 50" takedown bow I ordered completely broke, I cracked the handle, tore the bowling, have hairline fractures in both limbs, and probably a few more things.

So anyway, I have a couple questions about what sites are recommended for "Advanced Novices" like myself. I'm pretty good, not great, but I do get a lot of enjoyment out of it as a hobby. So here's my questions:

  1. Which sites do you recommend for buying a much more reliable bow than the one I found on Amazon. The one from Amazon was rated as 55-60lbs, and since I broke it, it leads me to believe that I'd need a bow that's draw-weight is rated as something like 60-65lbs or 65-70lbs.
  2. My wife and I are on a pretty tight budget, so we can't afford something like some of the extremely expensive "Greater than $400" bow. We've talked about it and the bow should fall into the "less than $250 range".
  3. I saw an awesome looking bow that I've come to learn is called a "Penobscot Double Bow". I made a Google Photos album showing off this type of bow, which you can check out by clicking on this link: ttps://
  4. Regarding the Penobscot bow I've linked above, is it something that would be reliably functional or rather more of a "Decorative Wall-Hanger"? If this style is reliably functional, its my first choice but I don't know where to begin searching for somewher that carries this type of bow at an affordable rate. So if you know of one please let me know!
  5. I found this site that's selling Penobscot bows, so I'd like to know if "Crows Head Archery" is a good site to buy from or are their bows more decorative than functional? Here's the link:

Those are the 5 questions that I can think of right now, but I may think of something and ask some more question.

So, let me know what you think. I hope you and your family are all staying safe and healthy! Thanks so much and Happy Holidays!

submitted by /u/koesherbacon
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