Eight months in and I've been wondering if there is a point at which the poundage of your bow is/isnt enough to take advantage of any brand of "spin wings"
I use a straight delta wing atm and I'm not sure if spin wings could add an extra ten, or even a single digit improvement on every end I shoot and incrementally improve my score. (For when we get out of our local lock down due to a recent Covid outbreak of course)
This site linked below has given up much of the information I was after and if it didn't answer my question, it led to the answer on a local (to my country's site) selling the type I decided to look at, that did.
I did find a suggested minimum poundage of 35lbs for spin wings, but I closed the link and now cant find it again! So many closed tabs lol
I shoot 34lbs so I'm not going to split hairs about this difference and will get some XS Wings https://www.xswings.com/
Size: 50mm LP
Colour: Metallic Blue
I’ll leave my research on how to fletch them, for when they arrive and do that research on the subject then, and if I need to, design and 3d print something suitable.
I hope this information also helps someone else out there.
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